Saturday, February 16, 2013
3T22 Alert Mode - Clinton, SC 1/19/13 (Tornado Siren Test, HD) Video Clips. Duration : 4.37 Mins.

Video taken on 1/19/13. Weekly test of the Laurens County outdoor warning system. This siren is tested every Saturday at 12:00PM. I didn't expect this siren to sound in alert for at least 3 minutes! And you can hear a Whelen WPS 2902 in voice mode and Wail after this test. The Whelen WPS 2902 is coming from Presbyterian College. I know about I stop the camera at the very ending of this video and this siren still winddowns because I wanted to race to that Whelen WPS 2902 is sounding Wail but we didn't make it because the siren already finished its test. This siren is located right near downtown Clinton, SC at Clinton fire department off of Broad St, Ferguson St, Musgrove St, and Glendale St. Location of this SIREN:


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