Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Asianwolf's Sound and View Enhancing Parabolic Microphone from asianwolf.com Tube. Duration : 2.18 Mins.

www.asianwolf.com This is Asianwolf's high-tech listening device, the parabolic microphone. The parabolic microphone can capture distant sounds and voices that would otherwise not be heard. It's the most versatile long-distance listening device around! With a parabolic sound-collecting dish encircling a patented mini-microphone, not to mention a built-in digital recorder, 10x-magnifying telescopic monocular and professional headphones, the parabolic microphone extends both your hearing and vision when you really need to know what's going on. You'll pick up sounds you wouldn't otherwise hear, anywhere from nature to your neighbors. The parabolic microphone can pick up sounds from 100 meters away or more. Hear what the coach is telling the players from your bleacher seat or listen to a concert from the back row just as clearly as if you are sitting in the front row. Go on a nature walk to hear and see birds perched on distant tree branches. You can even eavesdrop on what your coworkers are saying about you in the parking lot. There are literally hundreds of uses for the parabolic microphone! The headphones aren't cheap earbuds but rather the padded, ear-enclosing type of head phones that really isolate the sound you're trying to hear. Adjust the frequency controller dial to reduce unwanted background noise from traffic or crowds. A built-in digital recorder captures 15 seconds of sound at a time, which you can play back through the headphones and even transfer to an ...


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